Kocliko revolutionizes heating cost individualization and regulation in collective housing, reducing energy costs and carbon emissions.
Created in 2016, Kocliko offers an innovative solution for individualizing costs in buildings with communal heating. Kocliko's technology is based on a digital twin of the building combined with temperature monitoring in the apartment units.
Occupants are incentivized to reduce their energy consumption and CO2 emissions by paying for the energy actually consumed by their unit. Instead of calculating the heating costs by a percentage fee based on the surface area, it’s replaced by a more accurate approach, real-time consumption.
Positioning in the building management sector
The Kocliko software is designed for the residential sector. It allows to easily individualize the heating costs of the occupants (tenants or condominium co-owners) while improving the energy performance of collective residences.
Customers are mainly social landlords and co-owners of buildings with between 50 and 100 units, each equipped with several temperature sensors.
The challenge for Kocliko as a PropTech
Property Technology companies (PropTechs) that focus on energy efficiency play a critical role in improving the urban environment, operations, and management of buildings.
“Kocliko's challenge was to widely deploy a solution that could in a secure, reliable, and easy way collect LoRaWAN data from battery-powered IoT sensors.”Fabio Munaretto, Cofounder of Kockliko
Interoperability is a constant challenge for PropTechs. To deploy its energy efficiency services quickly, Kocliko needed the following:
- An easy-to-implement and scalable solution.
- An open and well-documented API.
- A gateway that can handle different communication protocols with a wide range of devices.
Kocliko chose the Wattsense solution to address its connectivity needs. The box is a remotely managed IoT device part of the Wattsense solution that collects data and controls equipment via the Cloud. Kocliko's collaborators easily install the box, and their in-house team configures the box themselves.
“If the equipment is already in the Wattsense library, its configuration is plug-and-play and requires little knowledge of computer code or automation. It can literally be done in one day. The boxes collect the temperature measurement data and transmit it to the Wattsense backend, and we retrieve it via the API. This API also allows us to automate the equipment configuration and the Wattsense boxes remotely”Fabio Munaretto, Cofounder of Kockliko
In these projects, the devices connected to the Wattsense boxes are LoRaWAN temperature sensors in the housing units and metering elements in boiler rooms. According to the Kocliko team, the Wattsense REST API is well-documented and stable, allowing for the automation of many time-consuming tasks. Equipment integrations in the Wattsense library are fast and allow for quickly testing sensors on the market.
During the first quarter of 2022, Kocliko set up about 50 boxes connected to more than 3,000 sensors deployed throughout France. For the company, the Wattsense solution has several advantages:
- It helps ensure the quality of the Kockliko heating cost allocation service, which is directly dependent on the communication infrastructure. Each Box covers a complete residence, representing several tens or hundreds of homes.
- The ability to modify setpoints to connected objects to improve settings (connected valves).
- Integrate new connected objects on-demand.
- Highly reactive tech support (90% of returns within a day).
“Wattsense's openness in communication protocols and data access positively impacts our operations. Wattsense brings transparency and openness to the Smart Buildings sector”Fabio Munaretto, Co-founder of Kocliko
Wattsense brings simplicity and interoperability to industrialize the connectivity of buildings and equipment.