Legal Notice
Last updated on January 24, 2025
This website is published by and belongs to the Wattsense company, a simplified joint-stock company with a capital of 87.272 euros, controlled by the Trade and Companies Registry of Villefranche-Tarare under the number 833 253 131. Its intra-community VAT number (or personal identification number) is FR50833253131.
Its registered office is located at Le Bourg Sainte Paule - 69620 Sainte Paule. The address of its main establishment is Wattsense - Simplified joint stock company with capital of EUR 97,690
Headquarters: Racing Park - Building Daytona - 4 Chemin du Tronchon - 69410 Champagne au Mont d'Or
Tel: +33 (0) 4 28 29 83 49 - email :
RCS Lyon n° 833 253 131 - SIRET 833 253 131 00035 - TVA FR50833253131- APE 63.12Z
Its intra-community TVA number (or personal identification number) is FR50833253131.
The director of the publication and responsible for the blog is Mr. Louis Vermorel, President of Wattsense. He can be reached at +33 4 28 29 83 49 or by email at
The site is hosted by Amazon Web Services EMEA (38 avenue John F. Kennedy, L-1855 Luxembourg - RCS Luxembourg: B186284).
Personal data collection
Our solution is B to B; our contacts are, therefore, professionals.
We collect data from our Internet users only to produce the actions they ask us to perform:
Contact request: we collect the name and email address of the user to be able to contact him; this data is kept until the user asks us to delete it. (see section "Right to be forgotten").
Subscription to our newsletter: we collect the email address of the Internet user when they subscribe to receive the newsletter; this data is kept as long as the user does not unsubscribe from the newsletter.
Activation of an online demonstration: we collect the name, email address and telephone number of the Internet user, as well as the name of the company for which the user works; this data is kept as until the user asks us to delete it (see section "Right to be forgotten").
Creation of a customer account and access to this account: we collect the name of the company and the email address of the administrator of the account; the customer account identifier is the administrator's email address; the system generates a password sent to this administrator by email and stored in encrypted form. When the customer generates a new password via their account, the latter is also stored in encrypted form: Wattsense does not have access to the readable version of customer passwords. This data is kept until the user, or the client company asks us to delete it (see section "Right to be forgotten").
Right to be forgotten
In accordance with article 17 of the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), each Internet user has a "right to erasure", also called "right to be forgotten", which allows them to request deletion of his personal data.
This right can be exercised by sending an email to or by sending a letter to the following address: Wattsense - Processing of personal data - 39, Chemin du Moulin Carron - Espace Ouest - 69570 Dardilly - France.
Intellectual property
The brands, logos, and more generally, all the elements of intellectual property are the property of Wattsense and are registered and protected. Any use or reproduction is prohibited without the prior written agreement of Wattsense.
The use of the site is governed by French law and is the responsibility of the French courts.
Open Source disclosure
- Wattsense Console Open Source disclosure
- Wattsense API Open Source disclosure
- Wattsense Embedded disclosure