Our new visual identity and website: celebrating six years of growth

Today we're launching a new visual identity and website to celebrate our six years as a company. It's the perfect occasion to refresh our "look and feel" to match the evolution of our solution.
A lot has changed since 2017 when this company was founded- there was even a pandemic, you may have heard of it- and our new branding highlights the maturity our solution reached during these years. What has stayed the same is our resolve to empower property owners so they can optimize building performance and sustainability.
In 2021 we hit a significant milestone when Siemens Smart Infrastructure acquired us. We remain a separate, standalone unit within the group, which allows us to have our own identity and presence in the property sector.
We are now, in 2023, 32 collaborators. We have connected 1,200 buildings for over 250 clients worldwide with the support of 27 international distributors. Not bad at all if we do say so ourselves!
Here is what we are refreshing and why
New logo and brand colors

Say hello to our new logo

The original logo has a special place in our hearts and has been a great asset. However, it was time for a simpler and more modern version, giving us more flexibility for digital and print mediums. A new color palette was defined to represent the company's maturity while adding dynamism to the brand.
New product and hardware names
We hear you loud and clear. The number one question we get about our products is, what's the difference between the Box and the Hub? As they share the same hardware, it needed to be clarified that what sets them apart are the functionalities on the console. So when redoing our visual identity, addressing this was high on our "To Do" list.

We could write paragraphs and paragraphs about how we are visually differentiating each product, but it's more fun to show you, so make sure to visit the Tower and the Bridge new product pages.
FYI: nothing changes in the offering, pricing, or functioning of our products except their names, so you can continue to use them without any surprises.
Hardware = box
That leaves us with the hardware component. From now on, when we use the term "box", we refer to our multiprotocol hardware. The electronic device that is installed in your building.
New tagline

This represents our commitment to facilitating the use of digital services and IoT. We remove all the connectivity headaches and open the door so you can regain control of your building to optimize its energy usage and operational efficiency. Unlock untapped value, increase productivity, reduce costs, and improve sustainability.
Tour the new website and explore the exciting updates showcasing our dedication to simplifying building management.
Over the next few months, you'll see all the other visuals aligning around this new direction: on the box's front face, our packaging, and other supports that will be updated in due time.
Our Marketing & Communications team collaborated with the branding agency LORD for this project. Beyond aesthetics, this exercise helped us redefine how we present our solution. We hope you enjoy it and look forward to hearing what you think.
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Opensense and Wattsense Partner to make buildings more sustainable

Wattsense and viboo: a partnership to leverage and bring new technologies into the buildings