the Wattsense blog for innovative building management

Meet our Talent Acquisition Manager

Ana Victoria Torres
Ana Victoria Torres5 January 2022
1 min
Talent Acquisition Manager

As part of Wattsense's growth strategy, we are looking for new talent to continue developing our IoT solution and its functionalities. To do that, we have hired a great Talent Acquisition Manager, Ramata Martin.

A Bachelor's degree in economic and social administration from Université lumière Lyon 2 and a Master's in Organization Management & Human Resources from ECEMA BUSINESS SCHOOL Ramata will help us with our acquisition drive. She has worked with MODIS, ADECCO, and Voltedege Management.

Role at Wattsense

More than just doing basic recruitment, Ramata's role as Talent Acquisition Manager (TAM) is invaluable in understanding management needs and finding the best fit for our company's culture and performance.

The role of a Ramata is to attract the best possible talent. For a small but growing organization as Wattsense, the TAM handles the recruitment needs for every position, regardless of function and level.

"I chose to go into HR for the strategic and human dimension of this field. I enjoy participating in the progress of a company through the development of its most important resource, its employees," explains Ramata.

Secret Weapon

She is an avid reader that enjoys thrillers and books about historical events, personal development, and spirituality.

If you want to be part of the democratization of building management technology, join the Wattsense team, please write us at and follow us on Linkedin.

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