Calculate and monitor your energy consumption or production from the Wattsense console

Here is an overview of the new features added to our solution.
Virtual properties
For the Tower only, from the "Configuration" tab of your console, you have access to a new "Virtual properties" option.

A virtual property is a property that is not physically transmitted to the Wattsense box by a piece of equipment. It is calculated from the values of other properties.
In this first version, we have focused on calculating consumption. You can select a property and calculate the difference between two consecutive values. You can do this at different time intervals: hourly, daily, weekly or monthly.

The values are then stored by Wattsense and available in dashboards, graphs or alarms.
The number of properties you can create is limited to 10% of the total points included in your subscription.
Other major updates accompany this feature:
- Until now, you could access 30 days' worth of data from the console - after that, the data can be downloaded via an archive. This period has been extended to 8 months.
- When a virtual property is created, the new values are calculated retroactively. So you can view your consumption up to 8 months earlier.
- If you do not wish to create a virtual property but simply view a delta of values from the console without the values being stored by Wattsense, you can do so from the Graph screen.

See the support article on the subject.
Battery level of LoRaWAN equipment
If your equipment complies with the LoRaWAN standard specification on battery levels (see section 5.5 of specification 1.0.3), you have a new system property that gives you access to the battery level of your equipment. The value of this level is a percentage between 0%, empty battery, and 100%, full battery.
You can then redirect the battery levels of all your equipment to your supervision tool and better anticipate the replacement of LoRaWAN equipment batteries.

Manufacturers of equipment that is already compatible and for which we have confirmation that they comply with this standard today: Adeunis, Micropelt, Nexelec, Sensing Labs.
Did you know? The box allows you to redirect the values of a property (incoming point) to a BACnet IP, ModBus IP or MQTT gateway (outgoing point). However, it also authorises redirections between an incoming point and another point with write access. For example, you can supply a Synco-type heating controller with the ambient T°C measured in the building via a LoRa sensor. The controller can then improve its control loop. Here's an article that explains this in detail.
Other additions made to our product:
- 30 new types of equipment added to our library of predecoded equipment
- New screen for adding equipment
- Improvements to the Live Data screen
- Homogenisation of BACnet and M-Bus scan screens
Other new features
New screen for adding equipment
Find all the options for adding equipment to your box configuration on this new screen.

Improvements to the Live Data screen
We wanted to make the Live Data screen more relevant to your needs. We've made the following changes:
- When you hover over the relative date, you see the absolute date as well as the date of the previous value received. This makes it easy to check how often data is received.

- From the Live Data screen, you can edit the configuration of a property without going to the configuration screen. A side panel is then displayed, showing the configuration of the property as defined in the box.

- Finally, in connection with the above change, the icon for writing the value of a property has been modified by a remote control. The side panel that appears afterward has been simplified.

Standardisation of BACnet and M-Bus scan screens
The BACnet and M-Bus scan screens have been homogenised and optimised to give you more details about the scans in progress.

New equipment added to the decoded equipment library
These devices are now available in one click:
- Bmeter IWM-LR3 and IWM-LR4
- Dezem Harvylr36
- Dragino LDDS20
- Dragino LHT65
- Ewattch Squid Pro
- Iotsens Air quality monitor sensor
- Laird DL response
- Maddalena Evo
- Mclimate CO2 display
- MClimate Open/Close Sensor
- Micropelt MLRTPS1
- Milesight AT101, EM320, EM400, WS203
- Milesight UC3414
- Milesight VS133
- NKE Kit Lev'O+ Liquid Level
- Quos Lucie
- Seedstudio SenseCAP S2101
- Seeedstudio SenseCAP A1101
- Seeedstudio SenseCAP S2103
- Synetica enlink status V
- Talkpool 0Y1400
- Terabee PCM LORA
- Thermokon Novos 3
- Watteco Ventil'O
- Zenner Zelsius sensor
All these changes are available from software version 5.11.0.
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